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Eurochocolate “E=MC²” the fair that expresses the link between chocolate and energy


How did Eurochocolate come about?

Perugia is a city famous for its chocolate production, but also for hosting one of Italy’s most mouth-watering events every year: Eurochocolate. This is an event dedicated to the world of chocolate, which has attracted thousands of visitors from all over the world since 1994. The creator of this fair is Eugenio Guarducci, a young architect who in 1982, while he was in Munich for the Oktoberfest, the beer festival, had the idea of creating a similar event in his city, but related to chocolate.

When and where does it take place?

Eurochocolate takes place every year in October, for ten days, in the historical centre of Perugia. The fair offers visitors the chance to discover the history, culture and production of chocolate, through exhibitions, workshops, conferences and shows. But above all, it offers the chance to taste the different varieties and specialities of chocolate from different parts of the world.

The 2023 slogan

Each edition of Eurochocolate has a different theme and slogan. This year’s is ‘E=MC²‘, where E stands for Eurochocolate and MC for Much Chocolate. It is a tribute to Einstein’s famous formula, which in this case is intended to express the link between chocolate and energy.

What can you do during Eurochocolate?

This year’s fair is divided into three thematic areas: Chocolate Experience, Chocolate Show and Fanny Chocolate. In the first area, visitors can learn about the chocolate production process, from the cocoa planting to the transformation into bars, via the harvesting and processing of the beans. In the second area, visitors can admire the chocolate sculptures made by skilled artists, who each year try their hand at original and creative works. In the third area, visitors can enjoy chocolate attractions and games, such as the chocolate maze, the chocolate tug-of-war and the chocolate meter.

In addition, Eurochocolate offers visitors the opportunity to attend cooking shows dedicated to chocolate. On the Cooking Show stage, some special guests will perform, including Frau and Ernst Knam, the King of Chocolate. On Saturday 14 October, the two chefs will make three types of chocolates live, which will then be offered to the public for a final tasting. There will also be chocolate ice cream (single origin Ecuador 70%) by Luca Montersino, another master pastry chef.

The Cooking Show will also be an opportunity to see dessert professionals at work, members of APEI-Ambassadors Pastry Chefs of Italian Excellence. They are six master pastry chefs who will work chocolate in a creative and original way. Their names are Eugenio Morrone, Francesco Elmi, Salvatore Varriale, Denis Buoni, Paolo Staccoli and Francesco Mastroianni. You can admire them on Monday 16 and Sunday 22 October.


Finally, the Cooking Show will also propose curious and unusual pairings between chocolate and other products, such as wines, grappa or food. A way to discover new flavours and new sensations with chocolate. Don’t miss the opportunity to participate in this mouth-watering and entertaining event.


Discovering Perugia and the culture of chocolate

Eurochocolate, therefore, is a fair that celebrates chocolate in all its forms and nuances. It is an opportunity to immerse oneself in the goodness of chocolate, but also to discover its beneficial properties and cultural values. It is also an opportunity to visit Perugia, a city rich in history, art and beauty, immersed in the greenery and tranquillity of Umbria.


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