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Inclusive Beach, a barrier-free beach: sea also accessible to people with disabilities



Many people, young and old, look forward to the arrival of summer to spend long days by the sea.
From this year, thanks to the beautiful initiative of the ‘Inclusive Beach’, it is really possible for everyone: the initiative offers the possibility of enjoying the sea also to differently abled persons and persons in difficulty.
The ‘Inclusive Beach’ was realised in Licola Mare thanks to the Network Sociali cooperative, to the ideas of the coordinator Martina Narducci, and to the initiative of the Giugliano municipal council, which immediately grasped the positive spirit of this new reality.

How ‘Inclusive Beach’ was born

The mayor of Giugliano, Nicola Pirozzi, publicly thanked the Campania region and social policy councillor Lucia Fortini for having strongly supported the ‘Inclusive Beach’ initiative.
Moreover, he is satisfied that, with this initiative, the municipality, and first and foremost Pirozzi himself, is able to touch the feelings of the many citizens, who enjoy the beach totally free of charge.
As the citizens are satisfied, the council is also proud of what has been achieved, and aims to improve even more.
Also important was the establishment of the free shuttle bus, which leaves from Giugliano (near the station) and goes directly to the lido, just a few steps away from Piazza Cristoforo Colombo.

Amidst the lido, which is always well tidy, a truly precious colour emerges: the yellow of the wheels of the chairs, which provide unique thrills for the many boys and girls who flock to the lido.

Inclusive Beach supports the cause that disability is not a limitation, but a resource, and with this in mind, offers the possibility of work placements to many young people.
This possibility is part of a future stepping stone to the world of work.
So, we can say thank you to all those who supported the cause, and we leave you with a quote from champion Bebe Vio: “Being special means being able to make it clear that your weakest point becomes the one you are most proud of.”


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