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Italy Loves Romagna: solidarity and music unite Italy


24 June 2023Campovolo– Emilia Romagna: Italy Loves Romagna was an evening of music and solidarity. The most prominent names on the Italian music scene responded with energy and enthusiasm to a real show of affection for the population of Romagna recently hit by the flood.

An initiative supporting reconstruction saw more than 40,000 participants. People camped out from dawn to have the best seat to witness an event that will go down in history.

Amadeus, by now an expert Tv showman, presented the evening live on Rai1 TV broadcast amidst the notes of singers of the most diverse ages, eras, genres, and geographical origins… but united in a single chorus for a region which has always been a symbol of resilience.

Italy Loves Romagna
The singers featured in Italy Loves Romagna

In ordine cronologico di esibizione, il primo a scaldare la voce è stato Zucchero al quale l’Emilia Romagna ha dato i natali. In casa hanno giocato anche Laura Pausini, Gianni Morandi Ligabue. Poi, è stata la volta di Salmo, Irama e Rkomi, Fiorella Mannoia, Giorgia, Tananai, Elisa, Andrea Bocelli, Elodie, Emma, Max Pezzali, Madame, Negramaro e Blanco.

In order of performance, the first one to “warm up” his voice was Zucchero who was born in Emilia Romagna. Also performing in their “homeland“were Laura Pausini, Gianni Morandi and Luciano Ligabue. Then it was the turn of Salmo, Irama and Rkomi, Fiorella Mannoia, Giorgia, Tananai, Elisa, Andrea Bocelli, Elodie, Emma, Max Pezzali, Madame, Negramaro and Blanco.

Among the most exciting moments, in addition to some goose-bump duets, an unforgettable backstage extra-programme saw Gianni Morandi, who, with his usual charisma and inexhaustible magnetism, got Andrea Bocelli to perform the famous song “Romagna Mia“.

According to organiser Ferdinando Salzano from Friends & Partners, it was a success in terms of funds raised, more than 1.8 million euro from ticket sales alone.

Italy Loves Romagna fund-raising campaign will continue until 5 July 2023. By sending an sms or a call from a landline in Italy to the number 45538, you contribute to this solidarity marathon.

“I believe in the Italian people. They are generous, hard-working people; they only ask for work, a home, and to be able to look after the health of their loved ones. So they do not ask for heaven on earth but what everyone should have.”

Sandro Pertini, from the President of the Republic’s New Year’s address to the Italians (1981)

After all, Italians, good people is not just the title of a 1960s film but a stereotype truer than ever about people capable of opening their hearts to those in need. It ranges from the simple but extraordinary gesture of solidarity by the generous Sicilian baker Fedele Termine to everyday anonymous heroes. They are the silent protagonists of many small good deeds. These actions will never spread but come from the Italian people’s DNA.



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