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5 Unmissable routes in Campania – Naples and the warmth of the people, the Amalfi Coast, the islands of the gulf, pizza, lemons, ragù…
Campania is a place full of attractions, both sea and mountains.

In short, the entire region has a story to tell: the mildness of its climate, the magic of its coastline bathed by the blue waters of the Tyrrhenian Sea that also surround islands of rare beauty such as Capri, Ischia and Procida, the richness of its art with its cultural and historical heritage in places such as Paestum, Herculaneum, Pompeii or the Reggia di Caserta make Campania an ideal destination to see and explore.


routes in Campania

Have you ever heard of the Cilento?
The Cilento is one of the least known and most underrated areas in Italy.
It is located in the southern part of Campania, suspended between sea and mountains in the province of Salerno. The area, a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1998, hides secret beaches, springs and streams, fishing villages and important archaeological remains.

The Sammaro spring is one of the most beautiful natural landscapes in Cilento, with its springs and gorges. The Sammaro Springs are found downstream from the village of Sacco. We have to drive down to a Cilento National Park path that takes visitors to this natural spectacle.

Here we find ourselves at a large gorge in the limestone rock typical of the Cilento interior. At the entrance to the gorge we find an area where we can stop, where there are the remains of an ancient mill. Here the water forms a small turquoise lake where the bravest can dive in and bathe.



For the 5 must-do routes in Campania, I could not fail to mention the Sentiero delle Acque di Acerno, a municipality in the province of Salerno.

Per gli amanti del trekking e dei boschi, questo particolare itinerario boschivo è assolutamente da provare. Si parte dal comune di Acerno (SA) per arrivare in un bosco di alberi di castagni, da qui si passa di fianco a stretti ruscelli, sorgenti d’acqua pura ed infine al letto del torrente Astratto. Camminando tra 700 e 900 m sul livello del mare, sarà possibile scorgere la sagoma del paese allontanarsi per poi ritornare nel borgo. La lunghezza è 11 chilometri, tempo di percorrenza più di 5 ore.


We are in Bagnoli, a district of the western suburbs of Naples, where the route to the ancient archaeological area of Pausilypon begins. Starting from the monumental Grotta di Seiano, a wonderful artificial gallery that connects Bagnoli with the valley of the Gaiola, you find yourself immersed in a spectacular archaeological park where the Roman villa, the theatre and the odeon are still perfectly preserved. If you visit the site during the summer you will have the opportunity to dive, snorkel


One of the 5 unmissable routes in Campania is undoubtedly the Phlegraean and Cuma fields, rich in history and legends.

According to the description of Virgil, the legendary priestess of Apollo, the Cuman Sibyl, resided in Cuma. The city of Cuma was the oldest Greek colony in the West, home to important religious shrines and temples, which was flanked in Roman times the forum with public buildings.

To reach the residence of the Sibilla, one of the most frequented sanctuaries of ancient Italy, you have to walk through a suggestive gallery carved into the tuff. The cave is a long corridor of trapezoidal shape, dug into the tuff, which fascinates and inspires fear for the atmosphere of mystery that surrounds it.

Who was the Cuman Sibyl?


To finish the review of 5 unmissable routes in Campania, I recommend you visit the gardens of Villa Ayala, in the town of Valva in the province of Salerno. The park is a journey into the past and mystery: full of statues, fountains and small architecture dating back to Roman times, surrounded by a lush nature bursting. Sometimes you have the idea that the nature of the place, also represented by trees and valuable plants, wants to protect the history, memories, mysteries and secrets of the beautiful villa d’Ayala.


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